
This portraits the contract states from your organization in a graphically representative way.

In this article:

  • Understanding your dashboard.

Understanding your dashboard

  1. The dashboard contains several widgets and charts for you to leverage from.
  2. The charts will redirect you to the reports sections for better visibility.
  3. The widgets will redirect you to necessary contracts on the contracts repository.



Dashboard tiles list

1. My Contracts: Contracts assigned to the current logged in user. This tile is visible to contract managers, authors and readers.

2. My Active Obligations: The active obligations assigned to the current user. This tile is visible to contract managers, authors and readers.

3. My Approvals: The pending contract approvals for the current user. This tile is visible only to managers and authors.

4. Requests for Me: Contract requests assigned for the current user. This tile is visible only to contract managers and authors.

5. Queued Requests: This is the list of requests assigned to all managers. Visible only to contract managers.

6. All Contracts: All the contracts within the system. Any user of the system can see this tile.

7. High Risk Contracts: These are the contracts that are flagged as High Risk to give special attention. This tile is visible to contract managers, authors and readers.

8. Contracts Expiring in 30 Days: List of contracts that will expire in next 30 days. This tile is visible to contract managers, authors and readers.

9. Contracts Expired: List of contracts which are already expired. This tile is visible to contract managers, authors and readers.